The Anxiety Collection

Mini UFOs

I started making the ufos at a time i felt like an alien in my skin and the world around me.

A lot has happened between the first UFO I made and today and I debated a lot whether I wanted to keep making them or pretend they never happened. I don’t think it’s really possible now not because I couldn’t just stop if I wanted to, but because the meanings and feelings behind them changed as I’ve been making them and they’ve become so important to me through that time.

I feel like now I’ve sort of found my lil alien gang and feeling like an alien doesn’t seem so alienating lol I never wanted to be known for making one thing but I always come back to the UFOs because they have such a special place in my heart now. Getting to make a unique pair each time is really cool, and getting to make them for other aliens is even cooler!




Gold Tooth Skull